2023 | 30’ | Installation | 3 x Digital Projection | 3.1 audio

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Merkaba Macabre presents Chromophobia, an audiovisual project that explores color-to-sound synthesis created for a three-day residency at Project DIVFUSE. Building upon the artist’s previous research in analogue light-based composition, Merkaba Macabre investigates this field in a purely digital process as an installation and live performance, resulting in a triptych audiovisual expanse.

An interplay of color biases provoking a spectrum of states ranging from fear and anxiety to love and euphoria through the suquencing of certain color combinations, is designed to open up a dialectic about associations, personal experiences, or psychological triggers that these colours and their associated tones induce.

Screenings | Performances
24 March 2023, Friday: Merkaba Macabre [live] + xname [DJ]
25 March 2023, Saturday: Merkaba Macabre [live] + Faery [DJ]
26 March 2023, Sunday: Merkaba Macabre w/ Billy Pleasant [live] + Eight Fold Way [DJ]
